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張 好 ChangHao. / 1990年生於台北
從產道帶著避孕器出生的嬰孩就是我,連避孕器都阻擋不了我的降臨,更相信自己一定有著重大使命需要來度化眾生。小時候除了夢想當偶像歌手外,也希望自己可以成為藝術甜心,殊不知人生越走近尾聲,才發現這條路真の是崎嶇不平、浮浮沈沈,甚至無論花再多心與力、時間和money,只要沒有遇見伯樂の那天,一切根本繁華攏是夢。 人生太憂愁,不要想太多~音樂響起跟上腳步,一起來跳舞!扭扭屁股大聲歡呼☆ 我愛甜心俱樂部☆ (  ̄ω ̄)ノ⌒☆m(o _ _)o
When I was young, apart from dreaming of being an idol singer, I also hoped that I could become an artist. However, as life is getting close line, I realize that the the road is really bumpy and has ups and downs. If the day I didn't meet someone who appreciate my value, everything was just a dream. Life is full of moody vibes, so please don't think too much. When the music is on, let's dance together! Twisted ass and cheers loudly ☆I love Sweetheart Club☆ (  ̄ω ̄)ノ⌒☆|(o _ _)o
♡ 2021【甜心俱樂部】成立
♡ 2022【2022 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽】入選
♡ 2022【繁華攏是夢】正白#FFFFFF個展
♡ 2022【台北國際插畫博覽會ILLUSTRAION TAIPEI】作品展出
♡ 2022【酷兒藝術節 Taiwan Queer Galart】作品展出
♡ 2022【台北插畫藝術節 Taipei Illustration Fair-無所事事選物企劃】拍貼機合作邀約
♡ 2023【新光三越台南新天地 X 甜心俱樂部】專場展覽
♡ 2023【臺灣文博會CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN】作品展出
♡ 2023【NOWNOW X 甜心俱樂部】萬聖節拍貼框聯名合作
♡ 2023【早安美芝城 Good Morning】杯膜聯名合作
♡ 2023【MAKE UP FOR EVER】限量聯名周邊合作
♡ 2023【草率季 TAIPEI ART BOOK FAIR】作品展出
♡ 2023【新光三越台北信義新天地 X 甜心俱樂部】專場展覽
♡ 2024【LINETV X 甜心俱樂部】貼圖合作
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